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DiaUnion Featured in Øresundsinstituttets Survey of Life Science Across the Øresund.

DiaUnion brings together actors against Type 1 diabetes. The complementary research areas were also one of the reasons why the Interreg-project DiaUnion started up in early 2020.

– Our expertise in the Øresund Region overlaps to a certain extent – but for the most part each side complements the other extremely well. People can do something in Denmark that they can’t do in Sweden and vice versa, and that’s something that’s been in focus for many years, but until DiaUnion there was never any more formal collaboration set up between the two research groups on either side of the Øresund, says project leader Finn Kristensen.

– The three-year project brings together Steno Diabetes Center, the Capital Region of Denmark, Medicon Valley Alliance, Region Skåne and Lund University, and it is funded by Interreg and the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The project focuses on Type-1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease; that means that the cells that produce insulin are destroyed by the body’s immune system.

Read the full story here.